CNRS UMR 7196 / INSERM U1154
43, rue Cuvier - Case Postale 26
75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Responsibilities inside unit
Directrice Adjointe
Responsable du Pôle Biophysique
Enseignement dans le cadre du Master BEE (Biodiversité, Écologie et Évolution) du Muséum :
- M2 : Participation à l'UE d'analyse scientifique et au jury de soutenance de stage de la finalité Molécules et Cibles Thérapeutiques du parcours Environnement et Santé
- M1 : Participation au jury de soutenances de stage du parcours Environnement et Santé
- M1 : Encadrement des TD de l'UE Travailler en mode projet du Tronc Commun 1 Sciences de la Nature et de l'Homme : histoire des idées et participation au jury de l'examen de validation
- M1 : Animation des TD de l'UE Développer mon Projet Professionnel et Personnel
My main research focus is the characterisation of non-canonical nucleic acid structures (such as G-quadruplexes) and how proteins interact with them. I am particularly interested in repeated sequences and in the evolution of telomeres (the nucleoprotein structures that protect the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes), a fascinating illustration of the unity and diversity of Life.
- September 2021 — Multiple hPOT1–TPP1 cooperatively unfold contiguous telomeric G-quadruplexes proceeding from 3’ toward 5’, a feature due to a 3’-end binding preference and to structuring of telomeric DNA. Nucleic Acids Research vol. 49, , dir. {Oxford University Press} p. 10735-10746,
- July 2021 — GGGCTA repeats can fold into hairpins poorly unfolded by replication protein A: a possible origin of the length-dependent instability of GGGCTA variant repeats in human telomeres. Nucleic Acids Research , , dir. {Oxford University Press},
- April 2021 — PfGBP2 is a novel G-quadruplex binding protein in Plasmodium falciparum. Cellular Microbiology vol. 23, n° 4, dir. {Wiley} e13303,
- 2021 — Folding and persistence times of intramolecular G-quadruplexes transiently embedded in a DNA duplex. Nucleic Acids Research , , dir. {Oxford University Press},
- July 2020 — Genome wide distribution of G-quadruplexes and their impact on gene expression in malaria parasites. PLoS Genetics vol. 16, n° 7, dir. {Public Library of Science} e1008917,
- March 2018 — The binding efficiency of RPA to telomeric G-strands folded into contiguous G-quadruplexes is independent of the number of G4 units. Biochimie vol. 146, , dir. {Elsevier} p. 68-72,
- 2018 — Binding properties of mono- and dimeric pyridine dicarboxamide ligands to human telomeric higher-order G-quadruplex structures. Chemical Communications vol. 54, n° 15, dir. {Royal Society of Chemistry} p. 1897-1900,
- February 2017 — Polypurine reverse-Hoogsteen (PPRH) oligonucleotides can form triplexes with their target sequences even under conditions where they fold into G-quadruplexes. Scientific Reports vol. 7, n° 1, dir. {Nature Publishing Group},
- 2016 — 5’ to 3’ Unfolding Directionality of DNA Secondary Structures by Replication Protein A. Journal of Biological Chemistry vol. 291, n° 40, dir. {American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology} p. 21246-21256,
- January 2016 — The exception that confirms the rule: a higher-order telomeric G-quadruplex structure more stable in sodium than in potassium. Nucleic Acids Research vol. 44, n° 6, dir. {Oxford University Press} p. 2926-2935,