Entité de rattachement
Équipe GE2R


01 40 79 36 85

CNRS UMR 7196 / INSERM U1154

43, rue Cuvier - Case Postale 26

75231 Paris Cedex 05, France


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  • Anoud M., Delagoutte Emmanuelle, Helleu Quentin, Brion A., Duvernois-Berthet Evelyne, As M., Marques X., Lamribet K., Senamaud C., Jourdren L., Adrait A., Heinrich S., Toutirais G., Hamlaoui S., Gropplero G. et al., janvier 2024Comparative transcriptomics reveal a novel tardigrade specific DNA binding protein induced in response to ionizing radiation. eLife , ,
  • Pulman Juliette, Botto Catherine, Malki Hugo, Ren Duohao, Oudin Paul, De Cian Anne, As Marie, Izabelle Charlotte, Saubamea Bruno, Forster Valerie & others, 2024Direct delivery of Cas9 or base editor protein and guide RNA complex enables genome editing in the retina. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids vol. 35, n° 4,
  • Gaillard Anne-Laure, Mohamad Teddy, Quan Feng B, de Cian Anne, Mosimann Christian, Tostivint Hervé & Pézeron Guillaume, janvier 2023Urp1 and Urp2 act redundantly to maintain spine shape in zebrafish larvae. Developmental Biology vol. 496, , p. 36-51 working paper or preprint
  • Babin Loélia, Darchen Alice, Robert Elie, Aid Zakia, Borry Rosalie, Soudais Claire, Piganeau Marion, de Cian Anne, Giovannangeli Carine, Bawa Olivia, Rigaud Charlotte, Scoazec Jean-Yves, Couronné Lucile, Veleanu Layla, Cieslak Agata et al., décembre 2022De novo generation of the NPM-ALK fusion recapitulates the pleiotropic phenotypes of ALK+ ALCL pathogenesis and reveals the ROR2 receptor as target for tumor cells. Molecular Cancer vol. 21, n° 1, dir. {BioMed Central} p. 65
  • Weber Leslie, Frati Giacomo, Felix Tristan, Hardouin Giulia, Casini Antonio, Wollenschlaeger Clara, Meneghini Vasco, Masson Cecile, de Cian Anne, Chalumeau Anne, Mavilio Fulvio, Amendola Mario, Andre-Schmutz Isabelle, Cereseto Anna, El Nemer Wassim et al., février 2020Editing a \gamma-globin repressor binding site restores fetal hemoglobin synthesis and corrects the sickle cell disease phenotype. Science Advances vol. 6, n° 7, dir. {American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)} eaay9392
  • Bastin-Héline Lucie, de Fouchier Arthur A., Cao Song, Koutroumpa Fotini A., Caballero-Vidal Gabriela, Robakiewicz Stefania, Monsempes Christelle, Franç Marie-Christine, Ribeyre Tatiana, Maria Annick, Chertemps Thomas, de Cian Anne, Ill William B Walker, Wang Guirong, Jacquin-Joly Emmanuelle V et al., décembre 2019A novel lineage of candidate pheromone receptors for sex communication in moths. eLife vol. 8, , dir. {eLife Sciences Publication}
  • Momose Tsuyoshi R, de Cian Anne, Shiba Kogiku, Inaba Kazuo, Giovannangeli Carine & Concordet Jean-Paul, décembre 2018High doses of CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein efficiently induce gene knockout with low mosaicism in the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica through microhomology-mediated deletion. Scientific Reports vol. 8, n° 1, dir. {Nature Publishing Group}
  • Torbey Patrick, Thierion Elodie, Collombet Samuel, de Cian Anne, Desmarquet-Trin-Dinh Carole, Dura Mathilde, Concordet Jean-Paul, Charnay Patrick & Gilardi-Hebenstreit Pascale, août 2018Cooperation, cis-interactions, versatility and evolutionary plasticity of multiple cis-acting elements underlie krox20 hindbrain regulation. PLoS Genetics vol. 14, n° 8, dir. {Public Library of Science} e1007581
  • Charpentier M., Khedher A. H y, Menoret S., Brion A., Lamribet K., Dardillac E., Boix C., Perrouault L., Tesson L., Geny S., de Cian A., Itier J M, Anegon I., Lopez B., Giovannangeli C. et al., 2018CtIP fusion to Cas9 enhances transgene integration by homology-dependent repair. Nature Communications vol. 9, n° 1, dir. {Nature Publishing Group}
  • Remy Séverine, Chenouard Vanessa, Tesson Laurent, Usal Claire, Ménoret Séverine, Brusselle Lucas, Heslan Jean-Marie, Nguyen Tuan Huan, Bellien Jeremy, Merot Jean, De Cian Anne, Giovannangeli Carine, Concordet Jean-Paul & Anegon Ignacio, novembre 2017Generation of gene-edited rats by delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 protein and donor DNA into intact zygotes using electroporation. Scientific Reports vol. 7, n° 1, dir. {Nature Publishing Group} p. 16554